Emotional Wellness
Workshop for the Students of Indraprastha College for
Women–Delhi University, New Delhi


Date - 20 March 2024

Session - Stress & Anger Management Workshop
Trainer - Ms. Neelam Agarwal & Ms. Simi Hanspal
Students - 114

Sleepwell Foundation conducted a Stress & Anger Management workshop for undergraduate students of Indraprastha College for Women–Delhi University, New Delhi on 20th March, 2024.

114 students participated in the workshop.

Due to high participation, the workshop was held across two batches – morning and evening.

The session began with a discussion on stress and anger triggers, exploring various causes such as expectations, past experiences, and feeling inadequate. Trainers introduced the concept of the "Anger Iceberg," highlighting that 98% of anger triggers remain hidden beneath the surface.

Participants engaged in role-plays to understand different reactions to frequent anger. Myths about anger, including its inevitability and association only with aggressive personalities, were dispelled.

Various types of anger, including aggressive, assertive, and passive aggression, were explored. Trainers introduced Dodson's Law of Performance, emphasizing the importance of balanced emotional states for optimal performance.

The discussion then shifted to stress, distinguishing between beneficial "eustress" and harmful stress. Strategies for managing stress and anger were shared, concluding the workshop on a successful note with positive feedback from participants, who expressed a desire for more workshops to enhance their emotional wellness.

Date - 19 January 2024

Session - Relationship Workshop
Trainer - Ms. Neelam Agarwal & Ms. Simi Hanspal
Students - 110

Sleepwell Foundation conducted a workshop on Relationship for students of Indraprastha College for Women–Delhi University, New Delhi on 19th January, 2024. The workshop aimed to help students in navigating diverse relationship issues and expectations within friendships, family dynamics, and in partnerships.

110 students participated in the workshop held in two batches due to high attendance.

The session's objective was to educate participants about the significance of various types of relationships in society and emphasize the importance of maintaining healthy relationships. Many emotional challenges arising from relationship issues stem from confusion, poor communication, and lack of clarity.

The students enthusiastically engaged in the workshop, showing eagerness to participate, listen, learn, and explore new approaches. The workshop highlighted the key role of good relationships in fostering emotional well-being and enhancing productivity. It aimed to provide a secure environment, resources, and new perspectives to empower students towards emotional wellness.

Date - 30 October 2023

Session - Emotional Wellness & Emotional First Aid Workshop
Trainer - Neelam Agarwal & Simi Hanspal
Students - 139

Date - 22 November 2023

Session - Perception & Communication Workshop
Trainer - Neelam Agarwal & Simi Hanspal
Students - 110

Sleepwell Foundation conducted a Workshop on Emotional Wellness & Emotional First Aid for the undergraduate students of Indraprastha College for Women–Delhi University, New Delhi on 30th October, 2023.

139 students participated in the workshop.

The workshop, held in the Conference Room of the college, was conducted in two groups; morning session and afternoon session to accommodate the vast numbers of enthusiasts.

The objective of this workshop was to create awareness about emotional injuries and how to take care when they occur, so they do not become more damaging in the long run.

The participants were very disciplined and eager learners. Their positive interactions during the sessions made the workshop lively and informative.

Many faculty members also were seen at the workshop.

This workshop gave an opportunity for the students to empower themselves with knowledge for self-care which they assessed to be very helpful and useful. They have given very encouraging feedback with requests to conduct more such workshops in their campus.

Sleepwell Foundation organized a Perception & Communication Workshop for undergraduate students of Indraprastha College for Women, Delhi University, New Delhi, on November 22, 2023.

110 students actively participated in the workshop, which took place in the college's Conference Room. To accommodate the large number of participants, the workshop was divided into two sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

The primary objective of the workshop was to enhance communication skills by emphasizing the crucial connection between communication and perception. The sessions highlighted the importance of forming accurate perceptions to achieve effective communication. Recognizing that good communication skills are essential for both personal relationships and professional success, the workshop aimed to equip students with this vital skill.

The participants demonstrated discipline and active engagement throughout the workshop. Their positive interactions not only contributed to the liveliness of the sessions but also made the learning experience both enjoyable and informative. Utilizing role-playing exercises and emphasizing the significance of non-verbal communication added an interesting and engaging dimension to the workshop.

By providing students with the opportunity to hone one of the most fundamental yet valuable skills, the workshop proved immensely beneficial to them. The overwhelmingly positive and encouraging feedback received from the students reflects the success of the workshop in achieving its goals and leaving a lasting impact on the participants.