Emotional Wellness Workshop
at Jijabai ITI for Women, New Delhi
2,311 Girls Sensitized


Date - 13 and 27 December 2024

Session - Emotional Wellness Workshop
Trainer - Ms. Parveen Gautam & Ms. Pratima Virwani
Participants - 236

Sleepwell Foundation conducted two workshops on Emotional Wellness at Jija Bai ITI for Women, Siri Fort, New Delhi, on December 13th and 27th, 2024, with 131 students attending on the 13th and 105 on the 27th December

The workshops aimed to promote emotional well-being, offering tools to help students manage emotions and navigate stress.

The sessions began with ice-breaker activities, encouraging students to share routines, emotions, and stress management techniques. Key topics included understanding emotions, fostering empathy, and the importance of communication. Students explored stress management, distinguishing between healthy and harmful coping strategies, and learned the value of setting boundaries and prioritizing their well-being.

Practical self-care strategies like journaling, hobbies, and time management were discussed, along with recognizing emotional distress signs. Students also learned how to handle social pressures and familial expectations.

The workshops concluded with stress-relief techniques, like box-breathing, and personalized advice. Students actively engaged, even those who were more reserved, revealing hidden emotional struggles. One student shared her experience of harassment, highlighting the need for a supportive environment.

The workshops were impactful, providing students with valuable strategies for emotional wellness. Participants left feeling inspired, with increased confidence and a renewed sense of hope in their personal and academic journeys.

Date - 6, 20 and 27 February 2024

Session - Emotional Wellness Workshop
Trainer - Ms. Pratima Virwani & Ms. Parveen Gautam
Participants - 390

Sleepwell Foundation conducted workshops on Emotional Wellness for trainees of Jijabai ITI for Women held over February, 2024.

More than 390 trainees participated in the workshops.

The objective of the workshops were to enhance emotional awareness among the trainees and encourage self-care practices through prioritizing self needs, developing self-care plans and taking incremental steps towards self-improvement.

During the sessions, the trainers introduced the concept of emotional wellness, stressing the importance of understanding and effectively managing emotions in different situations.

Feedbacks from the trainees were collected through an online form, which were very encouraging and positive.

The workshop was highly successful, with the participants demonstrating enthusiasm and active participation throughout the sessions.

Session - Relationship Workshop
Trainer - Ms. Simi Hanspal
Participants - 605

Session - Prevent Drug & Substance Abuse Workshop
Trainer - Ms. Neelam Agarwal
Participants - 120

Session - Perception & Communication Workshop
Trainer - Ms. Neelam Agarwal
Participants - 360

Sleepwell Foundation conducted a Workshop on Relationship for the trainees of Jijabai ITI For Women, New Delhi on 23rd Mar, 20th Apr, 27th Apr, 4th May, 11th May, 2023. 605 trainees participated in the workshop held in 2 sessions on each of these dates.

Relationship, after studies, is believed to be the prime reason for stress-building in students.

These workshops were intended to provide relief from stress to the ITI trainees by providing them with a clear set of information surrounding relationships. As it has been observed that many adolescents are ill-informed regarding the psychology behind relationships and how their world is based on myths and half-baked facts. From almost very poor knowledge to no knowledge, these youth find it extremely difficult in navigating the complexities of relationships. As a consequence they suffer immensely.

These workshops proved to be very enlightening and helpful to the participants as can be found from the level of their participation and their feedback. Almost all of them expressed strong likeliness for the workshops and said that the learning is definitely going to better their lives.

Sleepwell Foundation conducted a workshop to Prevent Drug & Substance Abuse for the trainees of Jijabai ITI For Women, New Delhi on 28th March, 2023. 120 trainees participated in the workshop held in 2 sessions. Sleepwell Foundation had deployed the service of qualified and experienced counsellors to conduct the workshop.

Substance abuse in educational institutions is a big concern as many students are susceptible to its habitual usage. Through learned intervention by teaching the trainees about the cause, symptoms and the consequence of this behavioral menace, the trainees can be made aware and probably saved from the danger.

The workshop was informative, methodical, appropriate and tailor-made for the needs of the trainees. The trainees took the workshop in all seriousness as many of them have already seen addiction from close quarters, in family, friends and acquaintances. They asked many questions to the workshop-conductor, clarifying their doubts and reservations regarding substance abuse. As the workshop progressed, many trainees came forward, toying aside shyness and fear, two main reasons preventing the victims from coming in open and seeking help.

The workshop was a very fruitful exercise for all as the trainees immensely benefited from the knowledge in keeping safe distance from a habit that can eventually ruin their lives.

Sleepwell Foundation conducted a series of Workshops on Perception and Communication for the trainees of Jijabai ITI For Women, New Delhi on 21st Apr, 28th Apr and 12th May, 2023. 360 trainees participated in the workshop held in 2 sessions on each of these dates.

The goal of these workshops were to give scientific and evidence-based information on communication skills. Communication skill is believed to be the single most important interpersonal skill that has the most common application in everyday affairs across every sphere of human activities.

The trainees participated with a high level of energy and zeal as the workshops were very interactive and interesting.

By gaining a better understanding of the basics of nonverbal communication and other types of communication techniques from these workshops, it benefitted the trainees greatly. They gave very positive feedback at the end of the workshop as it helped the trainees to become more effective communicators.

Session - Emotional Wellness Workshop
Trainer - Ms. Parmeet Kaur Manchanda
Participants - 250

Session - Relationship Workshop
Trainer - Ms. Simi Hanspal
Participants - 218

Session - Perception & Communication Workshop
Trainer - Ms. Vickie Rai
Participants - 132

Sleepwell Foundation conducted workshops for the trainees to improve their emotional wellbeing. Sessions on Perception & Communication, Relationships, and enhancing Emotional Wellness were done which were participated by almost the entire student community.

Post lockdown and isolation, these workshops brought fresh life to the students by enhancing their overall social and emotional connect.