Emotional Wellness Workshop
7,285 Trainees Sensitized


Date - 7, 9 & 16 January 2025

Session - Emotional Wellness Workshop
Trainer - Ms. Parveen Gautam & Ms. Pratima Virwani
Participants - 410

Sleepwell Foundation conducted workshops on emotional wellness for students at ITI, Arab ki Sarai, Nizamuddin, New Delhi, on January 7th, 9th and 16th, 2025, with a total of 410 participants. The sessions aimed to equip students with tools for better emotional health, focusing on communication, stress management, and self-care.

Interactive activities, relatable stories, and stress-relief techniques such as box-breathing were incorporated to foster a positive, engaging atmosphere. Students explored emotional awareness, coping mechanisms, and strategies to manage social pressures.

Feedback showed that the workshops successfully empowered students with practical strategies for emotional well-being and personal growth.

Date - 10 & 17 December 2024

Session - Emotional Wellness Workshop
Trainer - Ms. Parveen Gautam & Ms. Pratima Virwani
Participants - 265

Sleepwell Foundation conducted Workshops on Emotional Wellness at ITI, on 10 December and 17 December 2024 at Arab ki Sarai, Nizamuddin, New Delhi. 132 students participated in the workshop on December 10th, and 133 students took part on December 17th.

The sessions began with an engaging ice-breaking activity that encouraged the students to open up about their daily routines, emotions, and stress management strategies, creating a positive and interactive atmosphere.

The workshops focused on key themes like communication, emotional awareness, and the importance of self-care. Through discussions and visuals, students learned to identify and understand different emotions and coping mechanisms, distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy ways to handle stress. The sessions emphasized setting boundaries, such as saying “No” when necessary, to protect emotional well-being.

Trainers also tackled significant issues that students often face, such as family pressure, career choices, and societal expectations. Students were encouraged to write down their concerns, which helped highlight struggles like academic pressure, relationship issues, and financial difficulties. One participant shared feelings of hopelessness due to repeated exam failures, prompting immediate action to ensure the student's well-being.

The workshops also provided practical stress-relief techniques and self-care strategies, like journaling, time management, and exercise, along with advice on handling social pressures. Despite initial challenges, the sessions gained momentum, with students actively participating, asking insightful questions, and expressing genuine interest in learning.

The overall atmosphere was one of positivity, and many students left feeling empowered, hopeful, and eager to apply the emotional wellness strategies in their daily lives. The workshops proved to be a success, offering students valuable knowledge and tools for personal growth. They left with new perspectives and a stronger sense of emotional well-being, eagerly looking forward to future sessions.

Date - 14 March 2024

Session - Emotional Wellness Workshop
Trainer - Simi Hanspal
Participants - 132

Date - 4 January & 1 February 2024

Session - Emotional Wellness & First-Aid Workshop
Trainer - Simi Hanspal
Participants - 260

Date - 5 January & 9 February 2024

Session - Perception & Communication Workshop
Trainer - Neelam Agarwal
Participants - 250

Date - 11 January & 8 February 2024

Session -Relationship Workshop
Trainer - Simi Hanspal
Participants - 255

Date - 12 January 2024

Session -Prevent Drug & Substance Abuse Workshop
Trainer - Neelam Agarwal
Participants - 130

Sleepwell Foundation organized Emotional Wellness workshops for trainees at ITI Arab ki Sarai Nizamuddin on January 4th, 2024, with a total of 130 trainees participating across date.

During the sessions, trainers introduced the concept of emotional wellness, stressing the significance of understanding and effectively managing one's emotions in various situations. Additionally, participants were prompted to reflect on their understanding of self-care and its necessity.

The primary objective of these workshops was to enhance emotional awareness among participants and encourage self-care practices through self-reflection, prioritization of personal needs, development of self-care plans, and taking incremental steps towards self-improvement.

Feedback from the trainees was collected through an online form, indicating active engagement and quick responses to the trainers' inquiries.

The workshops were highly successful, with participants demonstrating enthusiasm and active participation throughout the sessions.

Sleepwell Foundation organized a Perception & Communication Workshop for the trainees of ITI, Arab Ki Sarai, Nizamuddin, New Delhi, held on 5th January, 2024. A total of 130 trainees actively joined in the workshop. Since there were quite a few participants, the workshop was split into two sessions.

The main aim of the workshop was to enhance communication skills by highlighting how perception influences communication. The sessions emphasized the importance of having accurate perceptions for effective communication, which is crucial for both personal and professional success. Through activities like role-playing and focusing on body language, the workshop made learning fun and engaging.

The participants showed great enthusiasm and involvement, making the sessions lively and informative. Their positive interactions made the workshop enjoyable and beneficial. The feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive, showing that the workshop successfully achieved its goals and had a lasting impact on them.

Sleepwell Foundation hosted a Relationship Workshop for the trainees at ITI, Arab Ki Sarai, Nizamuddin, New Delhi, which took place on 11th January, 2024.

A total of 130 trainees actively participated in the workshop. Since the turnout was high, the workshop was split into two sessions. The goal of the workshop was to help trainees understand the importance of different types of relationships in society and the significance of nurturing healthy ones. The trainees demonstrated eagerness to participate, showing enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and explore. Recognizing and maintaining positive relationships is vital for emotional well-being, as they contribute significantly to our happiness and overall productivity in life.

The Sleepwell Foundation conducted an Emotional Wellness workshop focused on Addiction Awareness and Prevention for the trainees of ITI Arab ki Sarai Nizamuddin, held on 12th January 2024.

130 trainees participated. The workshop was held in 2 sessions to accommodate the large participation.

The workshop was conducted by very experienced trainers who engaged the participants in a discussion exploring the concept of addiction and the associated mental processes. Trainees were encouraged to share their perspectives and insights on the subject.

The workshop emphasized the detrimental effects addiction can have on one's physical, behavioral, and psychological well-being, impacting self-control, determination, and personal goals. The trainer provided a thorough exploration of the physical, behavioral, and psychological indicators of addiction, while also delving into its various triggers such as peer pressure and boredom.

The session was highly interactive, with the trainer emphasizing the importance of acknowledging addiction and proactively addressing it. Participants were encouraged to seek support from trusted individuals or professional counsellors, and if necessary, to seek guidance from support groups for effective intervention.

The workshop concluded on a positive note, with participants expressing gratitude for the valuable insights gained and affirming the session's efficacy in enhancing their understanding of addiction and its management.

Session - Emotional Wellness & Emotional First-Aid Workshop
Trainer - Simi Hanspal
Participants - 130

Session - Perception & Communication Workshop
Trainer - Neelam Agarwal
Participants - 129

Session -Prevent Drug & Substance Abuse Workshop
Trainer - Neelam Agarwal
Participants - 120

Session - Relationship Workshop
Trainer - Simi Hanspal
Participants - 130

Sleepwell Foundation conducted a Workshop on Emotional Wellness & Emotional First Aid for the trainees of ITI, Arab Ki Sarai, Nizamuddin, New Delhi on 11th December, 2023.

130 trainees participated in the workshop.

The workshop, conducted in morning and afternoon sessions at the IIT's Conference Room, aimed to enhance self-awareness, prioritize self-care, and effectively manage emotions. Trainers elaborated on various emotions, emphasizing the importance of expressing feelings and seeking support. Interactive discussions and myth clarification enriched the experience. Participants enthusiastically engaged, sharing personal issues and receiving practical strategies for self-care.

The workshop was very successful as the trainees gave very positive feedback. They also highlighted the workshop's efficacy in empowering them to handle emotions and seek assistance when needed.

Sleepwell Foundation organized a Perception & Communication Workshop for the trainees of ITI, Arab Ki Sarai, Nizamuddin, New Delhi, held on 14th December, 2023.

129 trainees actively participated in the workshop. To accommodate the large number of participants, the workshop was divided into two sessions.

The main objective of the workshop was to boost communication skills by emphasizing how perception affects communication. The sessions stressed the importance of forming accurate perceptions for effective communication, essential for personal and professional success. Through role-playing and focusing on non-verbal communication, the workshop made learning engaging.

The participants showed great discipline and involvement, making the sessions lively and informative. Their positive interactions made the workshop enjoyable and beneficial. The students' feedback was overwhelmingly positive, indicating the workshop's success in achieving its goals and leaving a lasting impact on them.

Sleepwell Foundation conducted a Workshop on Overcoming Addiction for the trainees of ITI, Arab Ki Sarai, Nizamuddin, New Delhi, held on 15th December, 2023.

120 trainees actively participated in the workshop.

During the workshop, the trainers shed light on the detrimental effects of addiction, emphasizing its potential to disrupt both career paths and personal lives. They also provided valuable strategies for resisting substance abuse, which could not only safeguard individuals but also help their friends and acquaintances from evil and in combating similar challenges.

The workshop was well received by the participants who actively engaged with the subject matter, demonstrating their understanding and receptiveness. They gave very good feedback and were very hopeful and optimistic about the outcomes of the workshop.

Sleepwell Foundation organized a Workshop on Relationship for the trainees of ITI, Arab Ki Sarai, Nizamuddin, New Delhi, held on 21st December, 2023.

130 trainees actively participated in the workshop. To accommodate the large number of participants, the workshop was divided into two sessions.

The objective of the workshop was to help trainees grasp the significance of various relationships in society and the importance of nurturing healthy ones. The trainees showed eagerness to engage, displaying enthusiasm and a readiness to learn and experiment. Understanding and maintaining good relationships is crucial for emotional well-being. They contribute to our happiness and productivity in life.

Session - Emotional Wellness Workshop
Trainer - Simi Hanspal
Participants - 129

Session - Prevent Drug & Substance Abuse Workshop
Trainer - Neelam Agarwal
Participants - 411

Session -Perception & Communication Workshop
Trainer - Neelam Agarwal
Participants - 130

Sleepwell Foundation conducted workshops to Enhance Emotional Wellness for ITI trainees to empower them with skills to regulate their emotions without suppressing or controlling them.

Emotions that regularly get out of hand might lead to relationship or friendship conflict, difficulty relating to others, trouble at work and at the institution, an urge to use substances to help manage your emotions and sometimes physical or emotional outbursts.

By teaching the trainees ways to cope with emotions, through these workshops we try to give them access to important knowledge that might help them with decision-making, relationship success, day-to-day interactions and self-care.

Sleepwell Foundation conducted workshops to Prevent Drug & Substance Abuse to skill the trainees with self-regulation abilities to abstain from substance abuse-related behaviours when overwhelmed with feelings or seeking comfort when feeling anxious.

Drug dependence can interfere with a trainee’s ability to study and secure future employment opportunities, and it can disrupt normal life in many ways.

By educating our youth about the perils of this journey, this danger can be averted.

Session - Emotional Wellness Workshop
Trainer - Parmeet Kaur Manchanda & Neelam Agarwal
Participants - 236

Session - Perception & Communication Workshop
Trainer - Parmeet Kaur Manchanda
Participants - 374

Session - Relationship Workshop
Trainer - Simi Hanspal
Participants - 479

Session - Emotional Wellness Addiction Workshop
Trainer - Neelam Agarwal
Participants - 255

Sleepwell Foundation conducted workshops on Relationship to enlighten the youth with the true meaning of relationship and taught skills to nurture it.

Trust, Respect, Love, Attention and Communication — the five important components that go into making a good relationship.

Cultivating good relationships is essential for emotional wellness. Good relationships help us live longer, healthier lives. They make life better. They give us support when we need it most.

Session - Emotional Wellness Workshop
Trainer - Parmeet Kaur Manchanda
Participants - 119

Session - Perception & Communication Workshop
Trainer - Parmeet Kaur Manchanda
Participants - 116

Session - Relationship Workshop
Trainer - Simi Hanspal
Participants - 189

Sleepwell Foundation is conducting workshops to teach People Skills to the trainees of ITIS to enhance their personal effectiveness, interacting and interceding capabilities with others, helping them to become better humans.

People Skills are an essential part of work, life, and social success. Strong People Skills enable one to Present oneself better, Overcome social anxiety, Communicate ideas, and Influence others positively, among other things.

Session - Relationship Workshop
Trainer - Simi Hanspal
Participants - 653

Session - Emotional Wellness Workshop
Trainer - Parmeet Kaur Manchanda
Participants - 424

Session - Perception & Communication Workshop
Trainer - Vickie Rai
Participants - 520

Sleepwell Foundation is conducting these ongoing workshops to impart life skills to the trainees of ITI which have application across the board in all walks of life —professional and personal that promotes competencies and emotional wellness and prepares them to face the realities of life.

The topics of the workshop, Perception and Communication Skill, Relationship and Emotional Wellness are chosen with due diligence that would be enormously beneficial to the learners and have a maximum impact on their lives, transforming them into better humans.

Session - Perception & Communication Workshop
Trainer - Vickie Rai
Participants - 518

Session - Relationship Workshop
Trainer - Simi Hanspal
Participants - 95

Session - Emotional Wellness Workshop
Trainer - Parmeet Kaur Manchanda
Participants - 426

Sleepwell Foundation conducted workshops for the trainees to improve their emotional wellbeing. Sessions on Perception & Communication, Relationships, and enhancing Emotional Wellness were conducted in batches impacting around 400 trainees. More rounds of workshops will be conducted to accommodate all the trainees of this ITI, which has a strength of around 1,500 trainees and is co-ed, in near future.

The workshops were well received by the trainees and the institute management, emphasizing the need for awareness & knowledge on emotional wellness in our society; our youth want to live better.